- HTML stands for "Hypertext Markup Language"
- This language sets up the structure or "skeleton" of the website
- HTML is case sensitive
- The "elements" label the category of content for HTML (i.e. text, image, header, list, etc.)
- The "head" element includes title, !DOCTYPE, language, and meta data (charset, viewport, http-equiv, etc.)
- Only use "h1" once at the top of the page and use h2, h3, etc. otherwise
- Metadata tells browser what to expect and assists SEO
- The "body" element represents content viewable to users
- When you open a new HTML file, use "!" to auto insert an HTML template
- The "title" element names the tab in your browser
- CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets"
- CSS determines the styling and aesthetic of the HTML page
- CSS rule = selector {property: value; property: value}
- Use HTML Color Codes to find specific hex codes
- There are 3 types of CSS: Inline, internal, and external
- Types of CSS properties include margin, border, padding, and content
- Use an * before the { to apply a property/value to every element on the webpage
- A margin indicates how much space we want around the outside of an element
- A padding indicates how much space we want around the content inside an element
- Class selectors can be used throughout the whole html file
- ID selectors can only be used ONCE on HTML file
- To link a style sheet, use "link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS_file_location" in html
- Always use a font family
- Git is an open-source website to share and develop code
- Git is an effective tool to collaborate with others and develop code simultaneously without interrupting each other's work
- Commit often to update changes from local branch to main branch
- Assign coworkers to review code changes and pull requests before merging local and main branch
GitHub Workflow - Create new branch
- git checkout main
- git checkout -b prefix/description
- git status
GitHub Workflow - Commit changes
- git add -A (adds code changes to personal branch)
- git commit -m "enter description"
- git pull origin main
- make changes
- git push origin prefix/description
GitHub Workflow - Create pull request and merge branch
- Open GitHub repo in browser
- Select "compare and pull request"
- Add descriptive title and comment the changes
- Select "create pull request"
- Teammates/coworkers review changes
- Confirm there are no conflicts with main branch
- Select "merge pull request"
- Delete personal branch
- JS is case sensitive
- JS allows users to interact with a website
- Developers can use "console.log" in JS code to give helpuful error messages when debugging an error
- JS is a flexible language with many use cases
- JS data types: string, numbers, boolean, & arrays
- Use "x++" as a short cut for x+1 when iterating for loops
- JS control flow is from top to bottom
Want to see more detailed notes?
Visit my blog for full notes on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more