Prework Study Guide - Malia's Version

Profile image of cat wearing a bow tie.

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GitHub Workflow - Create new branch

  1. git checkout main
  2. git checkout -b prefix/description
  3. git status

GitHub Workflow - Commit changes

  1. git add -A (adds code changes to personal branch)
  2. git commit -m "enter description"
  3. git pull origin main
  4. make changes
  5. git push origin prefix/description

GitHub Workflow - Create pull request and merge branch

  1. Open GitHub repo in browser
  2. Select "compare and pull request"
  3. Add descriptive title and comment the changes
  4. Select "create pull request"
  5. Teammates/coworkers review changes
  6. Confirm there are no conflicts with main branch
  7. Select "merge pull request"
  8. Delete personal branch
